MLA invites Green Circle, Bangalore to maintain lake


Post 2023-08-11 06:09:06 |

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MLA invites Green Circle, Bangalore to maintain lake

South Express: 5.8.23

30 members of Green Circle, representing 10 apartments visited Yelahanka MLA S R Viswanath at his office to discuss Avalahalli lake issues and other environmental concerns The meeting was held at MLA’s office on 29th July 23 at 9.00 AM. 24 members from various apartments like Prestige Royale gardens, Vajram, Sriram Suhana, Ramki M S R North East County, Zed Woods and Godrej attended the meeting. A letter was handed over to MLA highlighting the issues related to Avalahalli lake and other important issues.

Highlighting the status of the Avalahalli lake, Selvarajan, Green Circle said ‘The main focus of our meeting was about the poor status of Rajakaluves and need to rejuvenate the lake eco system. Emphasis was made about connecting Krishna Sagara Lake with Avalahalli lake’. MLA said that the main issue is paucity of funds as Panchayat. However, he assured to do whatever is feasible. MLA also assured that no construction activity will be permitted on Rajakaluve buffer area. Green Circle wanted that fencing of the lake must be completed and lake entry & exit gates must remain closed during nights. Lauding the initiative of Green Circle, MLA offered to hand over the lake maintenance to Green Circle.

MLA was of the opinion that the cost of the project is high and Panchayat could not afford. However, he promised to make efforts for donations and CSR possibility to maintain the lake. Regarding Unauthorised Fishing, MLA assured to take up the matter with Singanayakkanhalli Panchayat office Green Circle highlighted garbage dumping next to BMS IT for which MLA said that this area comes under Panchayat. and agreed to instruct PDO to do the needful.. Street vendors issue was brought to his knowledge for which he said that the area after BMS comes under Rajanukunte Police station and the matter is already in consideration. At the end, a request was made for planting trees and MLA gave instruction to BBMP to hand over 500 saplings

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